Implications Of Your Research For The Future Development In This Sub-Field

Your thesis writing is not just your personal project that will be forgotten once you’re done with it. By writing your dissertation, you’re sharing it with the whole scientific community, putting your name out there, and influencing the future work of others. Your writing might have a big impact on works of future students, so you have to specify that during your viva.

Defining Your Input in the Future Development of Your Sub-Field

Your dissertation leaves an impact on the sub-field you’re working in. In some topics and fields, the impact would be huge, as they are really narrow and probably not well-researched. If you’re writing an MBA dissertation, your impact might be smaller, though it still depends on your sub-field. Check out for professional writing assistance and 24/7 friendly customer support.

Your implications for the future development of the sub-field might be your unique conclusions. If you take a new look at the situation, it would make a huge difference. It could be the research data you collected yourself. If you check some dissertations online, you’ll see some of the data people use is collected personally and can be really valuable.

Taking a Broader Look at the Field

To find how you can impact the wider field of research, you have to think of different areas your work touched. Usually when you’re writing a thesis work, you discover many new topics and data, and have to decide what’s in and out of the scope of your main question.

Try to think of what you left out of your scope and decide if those points could make a difference for the broader field. It’s okay if you can’t find anything specific, but in this case, you have to rely heavier on your impact on your sub-field and emphasize that more.

Making the Second Step

You are supposed to choose your thesis topic thoughtfully and be fully immersed in the research. That’s why your scholars expect you to do something unique, to make progress in the field. No one will ask you to outline your next project, but it can be a good idea to say you’re planning to work on something else in the field.

If you’re not going to research anything else, that’s okay too. In that case, you have to state that and explain your position. If you simply don’t want to dig deeper into that field and would prefer to try something else, you can make that point. You might say this sub-field is already researched and you think your ideas can help with something else. You might also state during your research work you discovered a new potential interest for yourself.

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